Augusta, GA
Hub for Community Innovation Augusta
Community Outreach through Athletics in Colleges and High Schools (COACHS)
$45K Finalists

Black Americans have long suffered the effects of racism in health care. The long history of medical mistreatment cultivated Black and African American mistrust in the medical system. Community Outreach through Athletics in Colleges and High Schools (COACHS), engages school-based athletic trainers to develop therapeutic alliances with underserved students and their families. Through consistent presence within the community, athletic trainers become trusted first contact care who can implement health promotion and screening activities.

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Solution Location

Augusta-Richmond County, GA

Let’s build community trust and improve people’s health and well-being.

The NIH Build UP Trust Challenge will aware as many as ten Finalists up to $45,000 each and the opportunity to win one of four $200,000 prizes for promising strategies that increase research participation and the adoption of medical care by building trust and improving engagement with communities typically underrepresented in research.
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